
DSP, synthesis, p5, ...

Mar 10, 2020

VOSIM oscillator for the ‘Logue platform


Original Werner Kaegi’s paper describes sound synthesis technique which is called VOSIM (for VOice SIMulation). It’s an algorithm which is used in speech synthesis to generate vowels (but it could be used for the fricative consonants or whole syllables as stated in paper). This method is fairly simple and well fitted to be implemented as ‘Logue oscillator. Other methods like e.g. FOF or formant synthesis are more complex in implementation or harder computationally.

Sound examples

vosim-c2.wav | vosim-c3.wav


Nu:Tekt NTS-1


Minilogue XD

Only NTS-1 unit was tested on real hardware by me.

If you use this oscillator and you like it — please donate: PayPal


GitHub repo

Follow the instructions in README.md to compile oscillators if you want to do it manually. Feel free to modify the code, it’s easy and fun.

Parameters explanation

param logue param closest term in Kaegi paper
M shape delay
b shift-shape attenuation
Freq param1 reciprocal of pulse T multiplied by 1 - M
N param2 number of pulses per period
LFO Target param3 LFO Target: 1 means delay, 2 means attenuation

To understand these parameters better read Kaegi’s paper and consider the graphs below: one oscillator cycle is shown on the graphs.

VOSIM with all pulses VOSIM with number of pulses reduced to N

Params are:

Since clever trick used in ‘Logue SDK always maps phase to [0.0, 1.0) interval we can calculate the Freq param with the formula Freq = (1.0 - M) ÷ T
So Freq = (1.0 - 0.3) ÷ 0.1 = 7

Current implementation allows negative values of attenuation b so waveform will look like on the figure below

VOSIM negative attenuation